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Website','main-nav-contact':'Contact','main-nav-tour':'TOUR 360°','tour-virtual':'Tour 3D','video':'Video','readmore':'More information','viewimages':'View images','viewmenu':'View menú ->','gotosteakibiza':'Go to STK Ibiza ','hide':'Hide','pax':' pax','modal-title':'Advantages when booking with us','url-booking-engine':'','url-booking-engine-hotel':'','url-booking-engine-hotel-room':'','contactchecktext':'By submitting this manifest form, you have read and accepted the legal notice and the privacy policy of the web.','contactchecktext2':'I wish to receive news and offers of Ibiza Corso','newsletter-checkbox-title':'DATA PROTECTION:','newsletter-checkbox':'
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','newschecktext':'I accept the processing of my data for the purpose of sending products or services communications.','bestprice':'Book at the best price'};; globals.arrival = '29/03/2025'; globals.departure = '30/03/2025'; var lat = 38.911206, lng = 1.450554, zoom= 12; var errorchecked = 'You must accept communications about offers and promotions and confirm that I have read and accept the data protection policy.'; var errorcontact = '[error:contact-checkbox, ]'; var errorcaptcha = 'Captcha code incorrect'; var refreshText = '[contact:refresh, ]'; var errorChildren = '[error:errormask, ]'; var popup_offer = "false"; var currentSlideThumb = "";